Anglicare Southern Queensland turns to a new app to strengthen client engagement

Last updated on 2 January 2024

Anglicare Southern Queensland has introduced a new client engagement app to strengthen its connection with a large consumer base. [Source: Shutterstock]

Intent on further strengthening its client experience and engagement opportunities, Anglicare Southern Queensland has formally adopted a new client engagement app for its home and community care consumers throughout the Sunshine State. 

Following a successful pilot, Anglicare Southern Queensland (ASQ) is introducing Hayylo’s Community App to assist in its care delivery. 

Sue Montgomery, Group Manager Home and Community, told hello leaders the pilot – which was localised to consumers in the Brisbane South region – was an invaluable opportunity to work through internal processes before introducing the app to its entire consumer base and workforce.

“The pilot phase was instrumental in embedding process aligned to the new app. Clients and their families really embraced the app during the pilot phase and initial feedback from clients, families and staff has been very positive,” said Ms Montgomery. 

“This gave us the confidence to expand the availability of the app to all our regular home and community clients throughout Queensland.”

The Community App is designed to give aged care clients and families greater access to their service provider, with integrated features like schedules, budgets and statements.

However, Consumer-related benefits are not the only focal point. As staff are required to adopt and work with more programs and applications within their everyday roles, it helps to have software that is easy to use. This is particularly important when consumers are interacting with the same program.

Sue Montgomery, Group Manager Home and Community at Anglicare Southern Queensland. [Source: Supplied]

Ms Montgomery said staff have been receptive and supportive of the Community App as they have quickly discovered how communication pathways and opportunities with clients and their families have been enhanced. 

“A key feature is the high visibility of communication our teams have access to. This ensures queries from clients and their families are acted on in a timely manner and this feature has enabled us to improve our communication with clients,” said Ms Montgomery. 

“By using the app or texting us through the app, clients and their families can easily contact us at a time convenient to them. They can cancel services or request additional services or a call back from our care management team if they want to discuss their care.”

“The app has streamlined our processes to ensure we are able to meet the needs of our clients easily and effectively,” she added.

To help manage the ongoing success of the expansion, ASQ has invested in upskilling its workforce and introducing specialised roles. It has introduced a project management team and change champions, while all other staff using the app are supported with training.

The new app is an important addition to ASQ’s repertoire as its name belies its footprint. With services and clients stretching from the New South Wales border to Townsville in the north and Birdsville in the west, Ms Montgomery said streamlined communication pathways are exactly what was needed to update clients of changes and keep them at the centre of their care plans. 

“Technology is increasingly a part of our everyday lives, and we recognise it will become more important as the population continues to age, and our clients become more comfortable with innovative technologies,” she said.

“Anglicare Southern Queensland is committed to providing person-centred care to our clients and implementing new technology, such as this app, is just one way we do this.”

“This technology has enabled greater communication options for our clients as well as their families who may live interstate, as it provides a simple, straightforward and efficient connection to Anglicare and our services,” she added.

home care
community care
aged care technology
consumer experience
anglicare southern queensland
client engagement