Search Marketing Articles
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The future of marketing in the aged care sector is under the microscope in a new report released by August, a team of multidisciplinary industry experts from the likes of Baptcare, Calvary Health Care and Benetas.
As a sector, it is time we embrace reviews for their valuable insights and the opportunity they present to change the narrative and reputation of aged care.
Changing how an iconic brand looks can be fraught with danger, and a name change can be even riskier. Consumer sentiment has a huge influence and any alterations to a much-loved brand could see loyalties tested.
SEO is one of the most important tools for a successful business, and even a sound understanding of the basics will help strengthen your website’s search engine performance.
Aged care services are lifestyle-oriented, not just service based. So it pays to invest in the individual and provide a positive sales pitch for a quality consumer experience.
If you’re looking at making new investments in social media, here’s what you need to know in 2023.
Could the use of chatbots on aged care provider websites help alleviate the pressure when fielding calls and consumer queries all day?
As customer resource management (CRM) tools have evolved into essential marketing and customer support tools, so has the impact of tracking customer lifetime value (CLV).
The end of the financial year is a great time to invest in your customer service training. It gives you a leg-up because staff will be ready for new challenges, experiences and opportunities.
As we roll into a new financial year, it’s time to set new targets and implement changes that are going to benefit your revenue goals. One way to achieve this is by training and upskilling your sales team.
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