Search Marketing Articles
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Every interaction with a client, no matter how small, will provide you with valuable data and an opportunity to get to know your audience better.
If your organisation has an online presence, you have probably heard of Google Analytics, but do you understand how it can benefit your business? And are you using this tool to its fullest potential, including in your marketing strategies?
The aged care industry has undergone major upheaval in Australia in the last few years and this impact has certainly been felt within the marketing disciplines. Even the savviest of marketing professionals have had to adapt their strategies to suit the changing environment, and a strategy of ‘test-learn-optimise’ is the mantra of those riding the ups and downs of the sector.
A professional approach to marketing, advertising and communications has become increasingly beneficial for the aged care industry, with many organisations stepping up by hiring additional marketing and media professionals.
Most people are using some form of social media, whether to keep friends updated on what is happening in your life or to manage your professional network. But social media has also positioned itself as an important marketing tool to grow businesses.
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