DCA’s final call for RISE Project participants

Last updated on 19 April 2024

Applications for the second and final round of the RISE Project close soon. [Source: Shutterstock]

Diversity Council Australia (DCA) is offering organisations one last chance to join its RISE Project and become a trailblazer in workplace diversity and inclusion.

The RISE Project (Realise. Inspire. Support. Energise.) gives organisations the opportunity to create real change for culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) women in the workplace after a landmark DCA report identified intersectional barriers were locking them out of leadership positions.

In partnership with Settlement Services International (SSI) and Chief Executive Women (CEW), DCA launched phase one of the RISE project in January 2024 and has since onboarded six prominent organisations including Telstra, HCF and Uniting NSW.ACT.

hello leaders spoke with Uniting NSW.ACT recently to learn about their experiences with RISE and what it brought to their organisation.

“What RISE adds that we can’t as an internally driven program is the opportunity to meet women, mentors and colleagues across not just our sector but others as well,” Tammy Pararajasingham, General Manager Impact and Innovation, said.

“What’s important when you’re talking about lifting career development is seeing what opportunities exist even beyond your own organisation.”

Applications for the second and final round of the RISE Project close on Friday April 26, 2024. Successful participating organisations will use an Australian-first self-audit tool to assess their racial literacy which will inform a fit-for-purpose 12-month action plan, including built-in training.

Support tailored to specific needs, including access to a community of practice and subject matter experts, will also be provided alongside individual support for women and their leadership journeys.

“DCA’s CARM Women in Leadership report found that despite being well positioned to contribute to their own and their organisation’s success, CARM women continue to be scarce across senior leadership positions in Australia,” DCA CEO Lisa Annese added.

“By participating in RISE, your organisation will reap the benefits of recognition as a leader in identifying and removing systemic barriers for CARM women – and the invaluable chance to drive significant change to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all.”

Organisations interested in applying can email rise@dca.org.au for more information.

aged care
women in business
cultural diversity
Diversity Council Australia
women in aged care
female leadership
lisa annese
RISE project