Experts push for increased allied health funding to benefit dementia care
Last updated on 12 February 2025

It’s estimated that over 430,000 Australians are currently living with dementia, and with those figures projected to double, Dementia Australia has partnered with two leading peak bodies to address the need for better access to allied health support and services.
In conjunction with Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) and Speech Pathology Australia, Dementia Australia is calling on the Federal Government to support the development of a team of ‘Dementia Specialist Navigators’ who would directly address associated challenges.
Dementia Australia Chief Executive Officer Tanya Buchanan highlighted the positive benefits of allied health services such as speech pathology and occupational therapy.
She said they provide significant benefits to people living with dementia and support them to maintain their physical and cognitive health, independence and well-being for as long as possible.
“More than an estimated 433,300 Australians live with dementia in 2025, and this is expected to almost double by 2054. It is vital that people have immediate, ongoing and flexible access to early intervention supports,” Professor Buchanan said.
“When people receive a dementia diagnosis, they commonly encounter challenges in navigating healthcare, specialist, disability and aged care systems, including referral and access to allied health services.
“That’s why in our Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2025-26, Dementia Australia is asking the Federal Government to support the development of a team of Dementia Specialist Navigators within Dementia Australia which will directly address these challenges.”
Dementia Australia Dementia Advocates Scott Cooper and John Quinn attest to the importance of immediate post-diagnostic and ongoing access to allied health services to support the wellbeing of the person diagnosed, family members and carers.
“You can’t underestimate the value and difference the speech pathologist has made in our lives, and it is critical for care partners too,” Mr Cooper said.
“Reablement – that’s what it’s all about. Engaging with an occupational therapist supports me to maintain my independence, agency and continue to do the things I enjoy doing,” Mr Quinn added.
Speech pathology vital for rehabilitation
The joint statement between Dementia Australia and Speech Pathology Australia explores the important role speech pathologists play in multidisciplinary healthcare when supporting people living with dementia.
There is a concerted focus on its place in rehabilitation, wellness and enablement as speech pathologists can help older people maintain, or regain, strengths and capacities.
Speech Pathology Australia CEO Lyn Brodie said speech pathology should be accessible to all people with dementia and their carers.
“A clear and well-funded post-diagnostic pathway to allied health services, including speech pathology, is essential for supporting people living with dementia.” Ms Brodie said.

Issues linked to speech pathology access include a lack of awareness of the role, unclear and difficult-to-navigate funding mechanisms/referral pathways, and limited availability of speech pathologists with expertise and knowledge in dementia.
The joint statement called for an increase in dementia care content throughout speech pathology course curriculums alongside a continued focus on education and professional development for speech pathologists.
“Lack of support for communication needs poses safety risks – including a documented higher incidence of adverse outcomes in care, social isolation, poorer mental health and not being able to communicate medical needs or contact emergency services,” the statement said.
“Research also shows the potential for earlier admission to residential care with a subsequent increased cost of care.”
Occupational therapy embraces a person-centred approach
There’s a similar push from OTA for greater recognition of occupational therapists and their work, especially in the home.
OTA CEO Samantha Hunter said allied health professionals profoundly empower people living with dementia to maintain their independence and quality of life.
“Occupational therapists play a unique role in enhancing care through home modifications, assistive technologies, or tailored interventions in residential and community settings,” Ms Hunter said.
It’s in the home that occupational therapists design person-centred strategies to enable goals, abilities and motivations.
“With an emphasis on cognitive reablement and restorative approaches, occupational therapists’ will take into consideration a person’s current needs and abilities, as well as anticipated changes to their function and future support requirements,” the joint statement explained.
“Occupational therapists adopt a person-centred approach to care and in doing so, consider the balance between safety measures and enabling engagement in meaningful occupations.”
Dementia Australia and OTA are advocating for improved systems that ensure people living with dementia, their families and carers, receive the necessary funding and support to access essential services. They believe that government funding is required to address barriers and gaps throughout the aged care, healthcare and disability sectors.
Click here to view the joint position statements on Dementia Australia’s website.