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The 2024 Perth PrideFEST was dubbed ‘bigger and more diverse than ever before’ and smack bang in the middle of its bright festivities was a group of aged care workers from home care service provider Silverchain.
The latest snapshot of the aged care sector has been released in the 2023 Aged Care Provider Workforce Survey with notable workforce losses in residential care not mirrored by home care.
Higher wages was a key recommendation of the aged care royal commission. But how much money is enough to compensate for the stigma associated with aged care work?
The National Aged Care Advisory Council has released its most recent communiqué from its March meeting, sharing its concerns over how penalties in the new Aged Care Act could impact workforce supply.
As we all know aged care is one of the most heavily regulated industries in Australia, as a result, laundry operations are required to meet the Australian Standards.
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