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Anchor Excellence

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Anchor Excellence is a leading Aged Care consultancy operating nationally in home care, residential aged care and NDIS. We are highly experienced aged care specialists and have worked with over 320 providers and over 5000 aged care leaders to address the demands and pressure of seismic change and transformation. We exist to enable leaders, increase capability across the aged and disability sector and in turn, create an aged care system to be proud of and one that is framed by the lived experience of our elders.
With a commitment to excellence in aged care delivery, business transformation, leadership, mentoring and training, Anchor has developed a range of services and programs that are designed to support your organisation achieve its objectives. Our areas of expertise include; Business Advisory and Strategy, Leadership and Governance, Quality & Clinical Governance, Compliance and Operations Management, Education and Workforce Development, and Consumer Experience and Engagement.
Please reach out we are here to support you. | [email protected] | 02 86101950