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Sensory Wizard

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Our range of OMI motion activated projectors provide a sensory experience for both young and old.
Many care homes in Australia are using OMI projectors with impressive results.
OMI’s interactive projector systems are designed with games, music and social activities which respond to gestures and movement from users.  OMI systems allow for precise control of levels of stimulation by the carer or resident. The easy to use remote control allows the sensory room to become a calming space when required, or a more stimulating environment at the press of a button, with incredibly responsive projections suited to groups or individuals. 
These systems engage and motivate users and the results include:
 • Greater socialisation and willingness to communicate with carers, other residents and families.
 • Enjoyment and shared laughter
 • More flexibility and upper body movement/coordination
 • Raised well-being levels and improved emotional stability
 • More motivation to stand up, stretch and physically participate
 • Opportunities to share personal stories
 • Families enjoy joint activities without the pressure of finding words
 • Can be a calming or stimulating activity with a wide choice of moods
 • Flexibility of floor, table, wall and bedside use making it fully inclusive
The huge range of interactive content, which is also fully customisable for a unique personalised experience, means there is always something for everyone regardless of age or ability.
The built-in computer is Windows based allowing staff to compile a folder for individual residents and then copy/paste their favourite games into their folder. All machines (other than the new Budii unit) are editable which means games can be customised by staff to suit the resident. With multiple image “underlays” available staff can compile a residents life, their achievements, where they lived, photos of loved ones etc and incorporate it into the game. Even going into Google street view to take a photo of the residents previous homes. Their favourite music can be added to play through the built-in speakers.
The inter-generational appeal of the OMI system was pivotal in OMI being awarded the National Dementia Care Outstanding Product Award in 2018 in the UK. Aged care homes can be daunting to grandchildren but many of the games are inter-generational and it is not unusual for grandchildren to look forward to visiting their elders to play the games.