ACH Group lays the foundations for success with a fresh strategy

Published on 6 June 2024

ACH Group CEO Linda Feldt (centre, front) presents the Shaping Tomorrow, Together strategy at Yankalilla Residential Aged Care Home, alongside (from left) Fiona Fulton, Rosslyn Price, Julie Grundy, Tania Frankenburg, Laura Wilcocks and Mel Heyneke. [Supplied]

ACH Group is refreshing its approach to aged care following the launch of a new strategy called Shaping Tomorrow, Together

The strategy features five core values – respect, trust, honesty, integrity and accountability – which all combine to deliver a shared purpose of Good Lives for Older People. There are also six key pillars, including ‘Deliver Person Centred Care and Living’ and ‘Build One Workforce’.

ACH Group Chair Imelda Lynch said the South Australian organisation’s goal is to be at the forefront of aged care in Australia. 

“Partnering with customers, building connections to support people to age the way they want, how they want. Truly knowing people, taking the time to listen and understand what is important is at the heart of this strategy,” she said.

“I am confident that here at ACH Group we have the people and the plan to be leaders in aged care service delivery in South Australia.”

The strategy has been described as bold and progressive by the organisation with all six key priorities designed to impact staff, residents and care clients alike. They are:

  • Deliver Person Centred Care and Living
  • Elevate Customer Voice
  • Strengthen Connected Communities
  • Build One Workforce
  • Provide Full Service Aged Care
  • Advocate Good Lives

“Our ACH Group strategy is driven by real experiences, roles, purpose and connection. As a partner in living a good life, ACH Group will deliver person-directed care and living. And often it’s the small things that we do that make the biggest difference,” Ms Lynch said. 

“Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We will partner with them to truly co-design individualised care and services.”

The strategy’s equal focus on the workforce is a standout feature at a time when employers are looking for more ways to recognise and reward their employees. 

“We will build one workforce and cultivate a culture where our people can actively learn, contribute and grow as aged care professionals. We will celebrate exceptional care through our united workforce,” she added.

Ms Feldt has personally visited all 15 sites within her organisation over the past three months as she presented the new strategy. She said it was critical staff could see and understand the roles they play in helping older people.

“It is vital that our hardworking people see how the work they carry out every day contributes to the overall strategic direction of the organisation. After all, they are central to supporting good lives for older people,” Ms Lynch said.

“We want our workforce to be empowered to get to know each customer and help them maintain genuine connections within the community as they age.”

ACH Group Residential Care Personal Trainer, Julie Grundy, welcomed the high-level inclusion of staff as it gives them a clear look at their workplace’s long-term direction. 

“It was just so refreshing to hear what the future holds for ACH Group,” she said.

“It’s exciting to know about the big projects we have coming up, the innovations and how the work I do keeping residents strong and mobile fits into that.”

aged care
model of care
ACH Group
Linda Feldt
aged care strategy
Shaping Tomorrow Together
core values