NARI Annual Summit puts human rights under the spotlight

Published on 17 September 2024


The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) is hosting its 2024 Annual Summit this Friday with the theme Human Rights are Older People’s Rights, Too. It will explore the myriad of challenges faced by older people that prevent them from achieving their full participation in various aspects of life.

The in-person and virtual event features several high-profile speakers, including the recently appointed Federal Assistant Minister of Social Security, Ageing and Women, Kate Thwaites.

Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald AM, is a keynote speaker, while the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner, Andrea Kelly, will also take to the stage throughout the day.

Her session will focus on Transforming aged care for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with reflections on the groundwork she has laid throughout 2024 and a look at what’s next in the aged care reform journey. 

The Annual Summit, which is dedicated to advancing the discourse on ageing and human rights in Australia, provides a timely opportunity to discuss key reforms following the introduction of the Aged Care Act to Parliament last week.

As a rights-based Act, it embeds person-centred care in a modern aged care system designed to support older people. It will achieve this through a new Statement of Rights, a focus on supported decision-making and enhanced duties and responsibilities for those involved in aged care. 

Conversations about reform will be intertwined with a range of other conversations from industry leaders, academics and professionals, including the likes of:

  • Dr John Davis, Member, Aged Care Council of Elders
  • Brian Lipmann AM, Founder/CEO, Wintringham 
  • Dr Marina Cavuoto, Senior Research Fellow, NARI
  • Niki Rittinghausen, Manager, Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
  • Anne Muldowney, Senior Policy Advisor, Older Persons Advocacy Network OPAN)

In the afternoon, NARI will present a research showcase highlighting various projects aimed at protecting and promoting the rights of older people across community, hospital and aged care settings. 

This will be followed by an interactive panel discussion helmed by Associate Professor Anita Goh featuring representatives from the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing and OPAN, among others.

More information about the event and registration details can be found on their website. 

aged care
aged care reform
human rights
aged care debate