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Lite n' Easy

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Developed by dietitians and prepared by chefs, Lite n’ Easy is more than just a weight loss solution. We offer great tasting meals, designed to promote healthy eating and well-being. With over 235 meals, all made with high quality ingredients and produce, there is plenty to choose from across our seasonal menus.
In addition to our normal menu, My Choice by Lite n’ Easy is a new range of meals aimed to help older Australians eat well and live at home longer. Specifically designed by dietitians for people with smaller appetites, My Choice meals are protein and energy dense dinners, soups and desserts packed full of taste and goodness. Lite n’ Easy also offers approved Home Care Package (HCP) providers and their clients the option of a split payment method, saving HCP customers up to 70% of the cost of their order.
Lite n' Easy Articles
How Lite n’ Easy plan for the future of the aged care sector

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