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Tamar Krebs

Group Homes Australia
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Tamar Krebs’ vision is to do dementia differently. In 2012, Tamar founded Group Homes Australia (GHA), a new model of care with the goal of shaping a socially inclusive future for people living with dementia. She presented her idea 38 times in over 62 meetings before she found people willing to support her and the vision. The GHA model caters to people living with dementia who wish to stay amongst their community when they reach the stage of needing full-time care. The model comprises traditional homes, set in traditional streets with up to ten residents per home, supported with 24/7 personal and clinical care by a team of Homemakers, Registered Nurses and Social Workers. When others comment on Group Homes Australia being an innovative model, Tamar says that it is in fact about something simpler – it is about basic human rights. It is about having the ability to stand in someone’s story and support them as they live with their dementia diagnosis. It is about caring enough to challenge the status quo to honour every person’s right to live a purposeful, meaningful and dignified life. Tamar trained as a Registered Nurse and holds a Master of Health Services Management, a Bachelor of Science, and various certificates in the study of Gerontology and Dementia. She is recognised as a person that understands the true needs of those living beyond a diagnosis of dementia, and is a sought-after keynote speaker, panellist, and media commentator. Tamar is focused on disrupting the industry of dementia care, to ensure even more lives can flourish.
Tamar Krebs: Devoted to doing dementia differently

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